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Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged, tortuous, swollen veins, raised above the surface of the skin. They can occur anywhere but more common on legs because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of the lower body. Arteries carry blood from your heart out to your extremities, delivering oxygen deep into the tissue. Veins then return the de-oxygenated blood (now blue) back to your heart to be re-circulated. To return this blood to the heart, your leg veins must work against gravity. Small, one-way valves in the veins open to allow blood to flow upward, toward the heart, and then close to prevent it from flowing backward. Varicose veins occur when the valves in superficial leg veins malfunction. When this occurs, the valve may be unable to close, allowing blood that should be moving towards the heart to flow backward (called venous reflux). Blood collects in your lower veins causing them to enlarge and become varicose.

Varicose Veins Causes :

  The causes of varicose veins vary from person to person. The major reason for the cause of varicose veins could be due to weak or damaged valves. Some of the causes that can contribute to the risk of developing varicose veins are listed below.

  •  Heredity

  •  Obesity

  •  Lack of Exercise.

  •  Jobs requiring prolonged sitting or standing.

  •  High-fat

  •  Low-fiber diet

  •  Surgery or trauma

  •  Infectious disease

  •  Pregnancy

  •  Hormonal medication

  •  Age over 40

Varicose Veins Signs And Symptoms :

  While visual appearance is a sign of varicose veins, many patients may experience one or more of the following leg symptoms:

  •  Bumpy, swollen twisted veins raising over the skin surface of legs.

  •  Aching, heavy legs (often worse at night and after exercise).

  •  Lack of Exercise.

  •  Appearance of spider veins in the affected leg.

  •  Jobs requiring prolonged sitting or standing.

  •  Ankle swelling.Ankle swelling.

  •  A brownish-blue shiny skin discoloration near the affected veins.

  •  Redness, dryness, and itchiness of areas of skin.

  •  Cramps Minor injuries to the area may bleed more than normal and/or take a long time to heal.

  •  Non healing venous ulcers over legs mostly on ankles.

  •  Chronic venous insufficiency.

Endovenous Laser Treatment :

 Advanced Laser Treatment For Varicose Veins is a Day care procedure ( Hospital Admission is not required ), cost effective, pain less and Non surgical ( No stitch, No Cut) effective treatment with complete cure & highest success  rate , best doctor in Guwahati.

  Endovenous Laser Treatment for the elimination of varicose veins is quickly becoming the gold-standard in the treatment of varicose veins. Endovenous Laser Treatment uses laser energy, which is simply a highly concentrated beam of light. Medical lasers work by delivering this light energy to the targeted tissue with extreme precision, so as not to affect the surrounding tissue. Lasers have proven their safety and effectiveness through years of use in all types of medical procedures, Like Laser Treatment for Varicose Vein, In the hands of a skilled physician, lasers offer far less risk for complications than conventional surgery.


Varicose veins are a cosmetic concern for many people, appearing as visible blue or purple veins under the skin or twisted, swollen veins that are like cords on the legs. Initially, varicose veins are usually painless, but over time they can cause aching pain or heaviness in the legs, especially when standing and walking, cramps in the legs, most often at night, swelling in the feet and ankles, and restless legs.

The veins may lead to sequelae or complications like skin pigmentation or ulcers in ankle/feet and may even get thrombosed.


Doctors can often diagnose varicose veins by simply examining the veins in the legs. Your doctor may recommend having an ultrasound Doppler scan to look at the veins in your legs and check whether the valves in the veins are functioning properly.


Many people don’t need any specific treatment for varicose veins other than self-care measures. However, without treatment, varicose veins do tend to get worse with time. The aim of treatment is to ease symptoms, improve appearance and prevent complications such as leg ulcers. Varicose veins can usually be successfully treated, but new varicose veins are still likely to develop over time.

These days there are several non-invasive or minimally-invasive treatment options for varicose veins. These can be done as outpatient or day care procedures and don’t have a long recovery time, so are often recommended instead of surgery.Compression stockings, taking regular exercise and elevating the affected area when resting are sole/ancillary recommended measures advised to the patients in the beginning.

If your varicose veins are still causing pain or discomfort, or they cause sequelae / complications, they can be treated in several ways:

Varicose Veins-Endovenous Laser Ablation :

 When does one requires this procedure ?

You require this procedure when dilated veins in your legs are causing symptoms such as

● Pain in legs by evening.
● Swelling of legs and ankle by evening.
● Skin discolouration around ankle
● Itching around veins.
● Cramping of legs in nights

Who are prone to develop varicose veins ?

● Family history
● Post pregnancy
● Professions requiring prolonged sitting/ standing
● Obese
● Following trauma to limbs
●Long term Smokers

How is it diagnosed ?

  Ultrasound scan , to be done in standing position and may require a CT venogram in special instances.

Who does it?

A radiologist trained in imaging guided procedures does it, Interventional radiologist.

What are the alternates ?

● Venaseal- Latest development in treating varicose veins, and is useful in avoiding even the mild complications of laser
● Microwave Ablation: Similar to laser therapy
● RF Ablation: Similar to laser therapy
● Compression bandages -Provide partial symptomatic relief but not permanent cure, has to be worn religiously
● Sclerotherapy- Best suggested for small veins)
● Surgery - Requires admission, general anaesthesia and results in scar

What are the advantages of laser therapy ?

● Success rate of 98%
● Day care procedure, discharged within 24 hours
● Done under local anaesthesia.
● Procedure takes 30 to 60 minutes.
● Can resume work next day

What are the consequences of postponing?

   Pressure effects may progress, and may bleed/ulcerate and progress to clots which may extend into deeper veins.

What are the advantages of imaging guidance?

   You are assured that vital structures in the path are avoided and the catheter is place in the vessel exactly.

How should I prepare for the procedure?

   Shave and do not use any lotion or oil on legs for 24 hours prior to the procedure. You would be kept on overnight fasting, as sometimes a mild anaesthetic may be sometimes given.

How long does the procedure / procedure takes?

   The procedure usually takes 30 minutes for a limb, and 60 minutes for both limbs. Depending on the extent of disease , the radiologist decides if you may require additional sclerotherapy to obliterate smaller vessels .

Is it painful?

   The procedure is done under local/spinal anaesthesia most of the times. The needle track till the vein would be made numb and pain is not felt.

How is it done?

   A small catheter would be placed in a vein near your ankle, through which laser fiber would be introduced upto upper thigh. Gradually laser fiber would be retracted delivering pulses of energy, causing the vein to collapse. Post procedure the limb would be wrapped in compression stockings and you would be asked to walk for 20 minutes.

How should I take care of the procedure site?

   The puncture site would be dressed properly following the procedure. The port site is usually of pinhead size, and does not bleed, however it need to be kept dry. Do not apply any powder/ointment on it. Watch for any swelling/ skin colour change/pain and consult your radiologist/ physician immediately.

What are the post procedure instructions?

   Wear stockings continuously for the first 24 hours, following which you can avoid stockings during sleep and shower.

What are the likely complications?

  Serious complications are extremely rare with laser therapy. Minor complications include mild swelling ( which comes down in a day or two), bruising ( which comes down in a day or two ) and cramping sensation.

Can I drive after the procedure?

   It is always advised to have someone accompany you, who can drive.

What are the dietary restrictions after the procedure?

No specific dietary restrictions when the procedure is done under local anaesthesia.

When can I resume my activities?

Intense and heavy activities are usually to be avoided for the first 24 hours.


Monday  to  Saturday

09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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